Patrons Project 6.06 What Fools These Mortals Be


Brut IPA. Brewed with Edge Brewing.

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Patrons Project 6.06 What Fools These Mortals Be. Edge Brewing based in Barcelona we believe were the first international brewery we visited for a collaborative brew and it’s taken this long to finally get them over to the UK for a return! We decided to try out a new IPA style that we’d been hearing about – Brut IPA. Enzymes break down all of the complex wort sugars into easily fermentable glucose, resulting in a bone-dry IPA backed up by high, sparkling carbonation. Another avenue we’d been keen to go down for a while was brewing with grapes alongside one of our favourite but hard to source hops, Nelson Sauvin. This felt like the perfect opportunity. We fermented this IPA with a Kolsch yeast strain – super clean and highly attenuative; then added 20L of white grape juice per barrel and double dry-hopped with Nelson Sauvin. The hop line up was then backed up with Halllertau Blanc, Citra BBC and Ekuanot Cryo pellets for a soft but crisp, resinous IPA full of juicy grape, elderflower, apricot and lime zest flavours.

Patrons Project 6.06 What Fools These Mortals Be.

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