Summer Wine
Summer Wine Brewery. Yorkshire largely has a traditional ethos when it comes to beer, one which no doubt has it’s place.
However, our ethos is different, we plan to put Yorkshire beer on the map in a different way, by brewing avante garde beers that make people think twice about what they have accepted as the standard when it comes to beer. We plan to tear up the rule book & brew beers that demand you sit up & take note by shaking up your senses and thus redefining how Yorkshire beer is percieved. We believe creativity is a gift that should be explored, this means tradition isn’t always right & that things evolve including beer… We’re in for the long haul & plan lots of unusual stops along the way. Yorkshire beer is slumbering & we are the triple espresso for this lumbering giant…
Yorkshire beer is about to become very lucid.
Buy Summer Wine Brewery beers online.