Romain des Grottes
Romain des Grottes. Installed in 2001, certified AB and biodynamic since 2006. I am proud of this triple certification and I claim the transparency of my practices. (AB – by ECOCERT FR-BIO 01 / DEMETER / under Nature & Progrès mention) The estate is diversified: we produce fruit juice (ANTIDOTE), cereals (SEIGLE & KORASZZAN for bread and beer), medicinal plants ( and we have been sharing our land with a market gardener since 2012 (“a garden in the vines “also biodynamically) My wines are free and out of frame, they are grape juice fermentations WITHOUT ANY ADDITIVES. I love the fruit, the acidity, the bubbles, the small degrees. My wines are intended to accompany you from aperitif to dessert, as long as you are in good company. The terroir is granite and for me, it is an agronomic challenge (faced with a warming climate) as well as an organoleptic parameter (how to retain water in the sand / keep wines balanced). In the vineyard we do not use any synthetic input, very little copper (<1kg / ha / year on average over the last 10 years). We prefer herbal teas and fermented extracts. We plant trees, hedges, and are constantly challenged to combine respect for life, ecological efficiency and economic survival. We have been welcoming volunteers for more than 10 years (WWOOF networks and others) to transmit our values and allow us to bring our dreams of a world of sharing, exchange and respect to the subject.
Romain des Grottes.
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